Queensland Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Network

Queensland Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Network

Education gives us a profound understanding that we are tied together as citizens of the global community, and that our challenges are interconnected. Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General 2007-2016

The Queensland GCE Network connects stakeholders to:

  • SHARE best practices, strategies, initiatives and policies addressing Global Citizenship Education
  • PROMOTE Global Citizenship Education in relevant local, national and international contexts
  • EXPLORE opportunities for joint activities, innovation and partnerships to further Global Citizenship Education.

The GCE Network has a core membership comprising representatives from the education and training sector as well as GCE providers.

Find out more

Coordinated by the GLC, the Queensland GCE Network will meet three times a year, and network activities and communication will be available at 
www.glc.edu.au.  If you would like to know more about this exciting addition to the Qld education context please contact Alisa Cleary, GLC Coordinator Professional Learning Program at:

0423 556 249