Global Leaders Development Program
Access a free professional development experience with leaders in Global Citizenship Education
Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has gained momentum in recent years, as reflected by initiatives like PISA’s 2018 Global Competence test, and the inclusion of GCE in Target 4.7 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal on Education.
Educators play a pivotal role in this movement by developing globally aware students who are critically literate, socially connected and ethically responsible.
Middle leaders in particular are uniquely poised to influence a school culture that develops the knowledge, skills and attitudes of students as global citizens.
The Global Leaders Development Program provides a golden opportunity for middle leaders to:
- develop their own global competence
- strengthen their leadership capabilities
- enhance their knowledge and understanding of 21st century global competencies in the Australian Curriculum, and
- undertake action research with a colleague to inform a strategy that strengthens GCE in their school context.
The program is delivered by the GLC in collaboration with CQUniversity and the Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi) as part of its broader professional learning program ‘Global Citizenship Education: A passport to social cohesion’, and is fully funded for Queensland educators.
Who is this program for?
The Global Leaders Development Program provides a unique opportunity for middle leaders in the early years and primary and secondary schools to access a fully funded professional development experience with leaders in the GCE field.
This includes:
- Assistant and Deputy Principals
- Head of Departments
- Centre Coordinators
- Year-Level Coordinators
- literacy/numeracy/pedagogy coaches, and
- other experienced teacher leaders.
How is the program delivered?
The Global Leaders Development Program is a 6-month program delivered via a combination of face-to-face workshops, webinars, online modules and an action research project.
Specifically, participants are expected to:
- attend a one-day face-to-face workshop
- attend 3 online webinars
- complete 4 self-paced online modules (approx. 4 hours in total)
- undertake a joint 10-week action research cycle (approx. 10 hours in total)
- create a 3-minute video with a colleague featuring findings from research
Participants who complete all aspects of the program receive a micro-credential in Leading Education for Global Competence from CQUniversity, including a digital badge.
The program is also aligned to AITSL’s Australian Professional Standards for Principals and the Leadership Profiles.
Find out more
The first intake of the Global Leaders Development Program commenced in March 2021, with participants from a selection of schools in Rockhampton and Bundaberg.
To find out more and register your interest in future intakes, contact:
Alisa Cleary e: m: 0423 556 249