GCE Consultancy
Effective Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is not just a curriculum issue; it requires the involvement of all members of an education community. Our expert global education consultants provide guidance and resources to education leaders and teachers. Our focus is to achieve a shared vision, goals and objectives for global citizenship. We offer practical tools for planning and monitoring a school-wide approach to GCE. The GLC also supports education communities to undertake global education initiatives, which involve collaboration with the local and broader community.
The GLC’s mentorship contributed to state awards received by: Cleveland District State High School (2016 Queensland Showcase State Award for Excellence in Global Engagement), Woodridge State School (2016 Queensland Showcase Award for Excellence in the Early and Primary Years- Global Citizenship Education – A passport to social cohesion) and St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe (Queensland’s first Save the Children Global Peace School (2012)).
For more details about the GLC’s consultancy program contact:
Alisa Cleary e: alisa.cleary@glc.edu.au m: 0423 556 249